Football Stadium Washington D.C.

628 kWpWashington D.C., USA

The groundbreaking ceremony for the football stadium, Audi Field, home to the Washington, D.C. team, D.C United, was celebrated at the end of 2017, and the multi-million project was completed in mid-2018 - with one special feature: A 628-kilowatt solar panel system on the stadium roof that covers around one-third of their annual energy requirements.

Sustainable football stadium

The substructure was supplied by the Austrian manufacturer AEROCOMPACT. The solar panel system was designed and installed by Washington-based solar panel company New Columbia Solar. "As big D.C. United fans, our team was very excited about the project and thrilled to be able to bring clean energy to their home stadium," says Becca Browne, marketing and communications manager at New Columbia Solar.

On the trapezoidal metal canopy, New Columbia Solar mounted the solar modules using AEROCOMPACT's TL25 trapezoidal bridges and EL05 height adapter. "When New Columbia Solar approached us with the stadium project, we knew our TL25 trapezoidal sheet metal bridges were the perfect solution for the metal canopy," explains DeeAnn Guthrie, vice president of business development, East Coast Reigon, at AEROCOMPACT.

High up

At about 33.5 meters, the roof overhang on the north side of the field is just below the height limit for commercial buildings in the area. Installers had to use ladders, hoists and a crane to move the equipment to the site. "AEROCOMPACT's lightweight aluminum short rails were much easier to lift, maneuver and install on the roof than traditional mounting rails," Guthrie points out.

Before New Columbia Solar installed the modules, installers were able to install the substructure. The combination of the TL25 with the EL05 height adapter also creates the necessary space under the solar panels to mount and wire the optimizer mount. To prevent fans from getting wet from potential leaks in the roof during a game, New Columbia Solar sealed it with an EPDM roof membrane.

For the membrane roof on the south side of the stadium, AEROCOMPACT chose the COMPACTFLAT S05 bracket system. Due to the special spring effect of the feet of the mounts, the substructure optimally adapts to the surface structure of the roof.

AEROCOMPACT and New Columbia Solar have maintained a close partnership for years. "They value our technical design support and customer service, and we enjoy working with their team of experienced, knowledgeable and passionate solar professionals," Guthrie says.


20,000 spectator seats

Audi Field can seat approximately 20,000 spectators. The stadium construction was funded with approximately 22 million euros from the U.S. Department of Energy and Environment. In addition to solar solutions, the stadium has a system that collects rainwater. Highly efficient heating and cooling systems, additional building insulation and water-saving sanitary facilities were also installed.