Perfect complement: AEROCOMPACT launches pile-driving systems for medium-sized solar farms


The modular concept consisting of three main components guarantees a fast turnaround and short delivery times.

The modular concept consisting of three main components guarantees a fast turnaround and short delivery times. For the first time, AEROCOMPACT uses steel profiles coated with zinc-magnesium for the RAM series, which are driven into the ground. Because they are taller than the aluminum profiles of the G15/20 series, they generate more energy over the same area. In addition, the large-area design minimizes shading and facilitates maintenance.


The CompactGROUND RAM 2.1 two-leg system for south and east/west systems is available in three standard configurations for 6x4, 5x4 or 4x4 modules with inclines between 10 and 25°.


The CompactGROUND RAM 1.1 single-leg system and the CompactGROUND RAM 2.2 two-leg system, on the other hand, are suitable for lengths of up to 30 meters and module inclines between 0 and 30°. In addition, the modules of the RAM 1.1 can be easily arranged either in portrait or landscape format. This increases the possible applications and lowers system costs.


The concept is based on a short cycle and fast delivery. AEROCOMPACT delivered its first CompactGROUND RAM test system including a soil report in just a few weeks.